Chakra Energy Treatment
The Chakra Energy Treatment is a wonderful spiritual method in which the subtle energy centers (chakras) in the body are lovingly harmonized and balanced.
Along the spine, there are 7 main chakras (energy vortexes). In most paired organs or body parts, there are secondary chakras (kidneys, shoulders, knees, etc.).
Each chakra is associated with different aspects of life, tasks, organs or body areas, as well as emotional and mental aspects. An imbalance or blockage in the chakras can hinder the flow of energy in the body, leading to not only emotional and psychological suffering but also physical pain and illnesses.
How I work in a treatment
While you enjoy meditative sounds and relax, I first check your chakras. During a Chakra Energy Treatment, I act as a channel for the energy. The (divine) universal energy flows through me. I work as a medium or “tool,” if you want to call it that way. As I transmit the energy to you, blockages are gently dissolved, your energy system is replenished, and your feminine (YIN) and masculine (Yang) aspects are harmonized within you. You may feel my presence as warmth, tingling, or a gentle breeze in specific areas of your physical body, or you might see magnificent colors, radiant light, and vivid images.
Relax and be aware.
Allow and accept.
YOU are allowed to BE!
Rest assured that something magnificent is happening, even if you are not consciously aware of it.
Energetic work has lasting effects
So, it is possible that you will sense changes in the days following a treatment. I encourage you to lovingly observe yourself during these days and be mindful of your well-being. If you feel the desire and readiness to delve deeper into the wonderful experience of self-exploration, I recommend writing down your thoughts, feelings, changes, and peculiarities. What do you notice?
You may wonder if the chakras always remain open after a treatment. Usually, this is not the case. Your life is dynamic, and you are constantly in motion, just like your energy system. It is not rigid or immovable. You have the opportunity to acknowledge and utilize your chakra system and body as a precious navigation system to become aware of your issues and resolve them in the here and now.
I am sincerely delighted to accompany you on your unique journey.