Metamorphosis Treatment

The Metamorphosis Treatment is a gentle form of energy work. It is applied to heal physical and emotional ailments (such as fears, limiting beliefs, patterns etc.) that originate from the prenatal phase.

The Metamorphosis Treatment works on a soul level and does not involve any diagnosis.

By massaging the feet initially, the salt crystals along the bone crest line and the associated information can be released and transformed. In a series of sessions, the lines on the hands and head can also be incorporated.

The Englishman, Robert St John, discovered that the reflex zones along the spine and on the feet are also the reflex zones of the prenatal time.

During pregnancy, the embryo and the mother are so interconnected as if they are ONE. Everything the mother experiences and feels during pregnancy is unconsciously and unfetteredly absorbed by the embryo. These emotions imprint on the unborn child’s spinal reflex zones, forming acid crystals along this line on the foot.

Blockages are a holding onto time. The goal of Metamorphosis is to get back into the flow.


Who is Metamorphosis suitable for?

  • Generally, for anyone who wants to harmonize their life patterns.

  • Expectant mothers, to harmonize imprints related to birth and pregnancy.

  • Disabled individuals.

  • Elderly people, although it might be more challenging for them.

  • Children, so that these emotions do not imprint as patterns.

    I am delighted to be able to “touch” you in a gentle way.


If you want to explore the messages from your bone crest line, it is interesting to examine what your foot shape is. The presence of calluses or inflammations on your feet,… , are giving an idea  about how your birth was, how the relationship is with your mother and father, etc.