My Path

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Who am I?


My name is Kathrin, my source name is Lara’Ana. Hence my name is Kathrin Lara’Ana. I am happily married and a mother of two young daughters. I hold a degree in Business Administration (BA) and manage our family bakery, which is now in its second generation, with around 100 employees. I am a spiritual healer and a companion on the spiritual journey.

I am an open and curious person. I love getting to know other people and cultures. The Asian culture, particularly the Indian/Hindu culture, has captivated me.

How my spiritual journey began...

It is not surprising that my transformative journey of self-discovery and healing began with getting acquainted with the wisdom of Hindu teachings through my esteemed friend Suvajit. He also introduced me to the teachings of Sadhguru. In 2017, I had the opportunity to learn “Inner Engineering” yoga and later the profound meditation called “Shambavi Mahamudra Kriya.” Shambavi, as I call it, has since become part of my daily morning ritual. At that time, I had no idea that this would be the beginning of an extraordinary transformation.

Professional, personal, and family challenges affected me profoundly, leading to years of struggling with stomach pain, constant nausea, and mood swings. Unconvinced by the conventional medical approach of taking medications to heal the stomach lining, I decided to find a natural solution. By “coincidence,” I received a newsletter about spring fasting from Rüdiger Dahlke, whom I had not heard of before. Without hesitation, I took part in the detox, fasting, and recovery challenge with Rüdiger Dahlke in 2020 as a “round-the-clock eater.” Subsequently, I transitioned to a plant-based whole-food diet called PEACE FOOD and experienced improved physical health and increased mental and emotional resilience.

During a several-week-long, severe cold in November 2020, I also underwent intensive personal development. My healer friend Natascha introduced me to spiritual healing and astrology, guiding me towards Axel Phillipi’s books, and ultimately to his wife Maria Phillipi.


The pivotal experience for my spiritual growth happened at the end of January 2021. Within 72 hours an extraordinary transformation took place beyond my understanding, shaping the essence of my spiritual growth. It all began when my daughter had a terrifying fall from a 3 to 4 meter-high tree branch. Miraculously, she escaped serious harm, but something profound happened within me. A sudden, profound trust in God and myself filled my being, leading me to defy medical advice and take her home from hospital that very day. Despite the large bump on her head and a severe concussion, my daughter’s condition worsened, and she kept losing consciousness. It was during this challenging time that I tapped into healing abilities I never knew I possessed, trusting and applying them with unwavering faith. Witnessing Saras’s struggle forced me to delve into energy transfer, laying on of hands, chakra therapy, and spiritual healing, transcending the boundaries of known reality.

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Those 72 hours became an extraordinary turning point, propelling me into an awe-inspiring journey of spiritual discovery and healing.

After experiencing that Sara was healed through me, I wanted to know more about spiritual healing. In February and April 2021, under the esteemed guidance of Maria Phillipi, I completed my spiritual healer training and became initiated as a spiritual healer. In July 2021, I deepened my knowledge in Metamorphosis treatment.

In the fall of 2021, I followed my intuition and embarked on the annual cycle with Kaja Andrea. During my first annual cycle, I experienced the transformative power of the women’s circle. I delved into the enchanting world of ancient wisdom, including the celebration of the annual cycle, ancestral work, and much more.

In April 2022, I was introduced to the healing power of spiritual reincarnation journeys by Maria Phillipi. I experienced some life shaping episodes of my past lives, which helped me understanding myself better. In May 2023 I resolved my fear of huge dogs in a reincarnation travel.

My trainings not only expanded my knowledge and consciousness but also empowered me to share my gifts with the world.

Interestingly, my journey into the field of healing began during my teenage years. In those formative years, I guided my friends through self-designed meditation journeys, calming them with gentle suggestions of waves, flower meadows, and flying birds, leading them and their minds into relaxation These institutive journeys simply emerged within me. I had not received any formal training or read books to create them.

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In November 2022 all my previous experiences and encounters connected like puzzle pieces when, during an 8-day quarantine in China, I read the third part of the Celestine series, “The Secret of Shambhala.” Suddenly, my life’s stations made sense to me.

It has been a path of self-discovery, spiritual awakening, and relentless pursuit of healing and growth. Each step on this journey has shaped me into the person I am today – a spiritual healer, a spiritual guide, and a bringer of light for those seeking support in their transformation.

By learning to accept my connection with God and Mother Nature, I could embrace the profound wisdom available to me. Drawing strength from my experiences, I am now ready to be a channel of love and energy to facilitate healing for those who seek it.

This is not just my story; it is a tale that speaks of the interconnectedness of all things and the boundless potential within each of us!

Let us embark on the path of healing and transformation together, igniting the spark of divinity that resides within your soul as well.

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